About the project

Codes of Cultural Heritage project, 2022-1-RO01-KA220-SCH000085067, stems from the assumption that European Cultural Heritage represents an enormous potential for the construction of European citizenship as a concept which is based on the value of cultural diversity and allows individuals to build and shape their own identities at different levels, including local, national and European dimension. Cultural Hubs of each participating country will be digitally and some of them in close venues will physically have a significant part in the Project.

The Workpackages:

WP 1: Project Management

WP 2: Thematic Approach and Content Development

WP 3: Training and Meetings

WP 4: Project Output

WP 5: Dissemination, Sustainability and Exploatition

The purposes of the project:

To promote the social and educational value of cultural heritage and its contribution to social inclusion and the construction of European citizenship based on the value of cultural diversity as the legacy of local identities and ancient migrations.

To create and develop an innovative educational methodology addressed to secondary school pupils, aimed to promote the active involvement of the pupils in the construction of paths of discovery and interpretation of cultural heritage by using codes, AR and VR apps.

To promote the development of key competencies and skills among pupils and teachers, in particular, the spirit of initiative and communication in foreign languages, social and civic skills, awareness and cultural expression.

To strengthen the link between the management of cultural values, museums, art galleries and archaeological sites and the local communities which are related to cultural diversity and variety. The project aims at creating CCH-HUBS e-platform that includes lesson plan and innovative activity pack under each hub. The project envisages a wide range of results, which are strictly interconnected between them and functional to the achievement of the above described specific objectives. The most important result will be the online content, containing the description of the educational methodology of preserving cultural heritage targeted to secondary school pupils(12-15) and will be developed by the Project partners.

CODES OF CULTURAL HERITAGE also aims at reaching the outcomes below:

Develop students' understandings of the interrelated nature of, culture, arts and communication;

Develop students' skills to spot, reflect and deal with culture bumps;

Enhance students' confidence when encountering unfamiliar environments;

Develop students' presentation skills;

Train students to conduct interviews to extract relevant information, analyse it, and present it in both oral and written form;

Develop students' curiosity towards different cultures, works of arts, and languages;

To prepare students for study and work in inter-cultural settings;

Improve students' IT skills and coding apps through utilizing innovative applications to teach cultural heritage:

Develop a broader view of what European identity means to foster responsible citizenship skills; enrich teachers' classroom instruction methods and schools' curricula.