Summary of the third meeting in Portugal – LTTA (4 days)

In a seamless blend of history, innovation, and collaboration, the third meeting of the “Codes Of Cultural Heritage” project unfolded over four enlightening days in the picturesque cities of Braga and Porto, Portugal. This ambitious initiative, rooted in the belief that European cultural heritage serves as a catalyst for building a shared European citizenship, took its participants on a journey that seamlessly merged the past and the future.

The charming city of Braga played a central role in this cultural exploration, as one of the main partners of the project is from here. Partners immersed themselves in its rich history by visiting museums and uncovering the city’s hidden gems.

A pivotal excursion led the group to the historic city of Guimaraes, an immersive experience that not only deepened their understanding of Portugal’s history but also underscored the importance of preserving and celebrating cultural heritage.

The itinerary didn’t stop at historical landmarks. Partners engaged in a thought-provoking workshop on augmented reality, embracing technology as a means to enhance the cultural narrative. This dynamic blend of tradition and innovation mirrored the project’s overarching goals of modernizing the approach to cultural heritage.

An integral part of the agenda was the visit to “Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio,” that showcased how educational institutions can become active participants in the project, fostering a sense of cultural pride among students.

As the days unfolded, discussions veered towards the future. Partners deliberated on the next steps of the project, paving the way for the upcoming meeting in Brussels scheduled for early December.

The third meeting in Portugal was more than just a gathering; it was a convergence of cultural exploration, technological innovation, and collaborative vision. As the project progresses, it’s evident that the “Codes Of Cultural Heritage” initiative is not merely unlocking the codes of the past but actively shaping the cultural narrative for a harmonious European future.